- Brownton, MN 55312 McLeod CountyBedrooms: 1 and 2 bedroom units available Bathrooms: 1 Rent:
1 Bedroom: Starting at $0 - $720 (500 approx. square ft)
2 Bedroom: Starting at $0 - $752 (700 approx. square ft)This property does not allow pets
- Brownton, MN 55312 McLeod CountyBedrooms: 1 and 2 bedroom apartments Bathrooms: 1 Rent:
1 Bedroom: Starting at $0 - $748 (500 approx. square ft)
2 Bedroom: Starting at $0 - $876 (700 approx. square ft)This property does not allow pets
ApartmentsLime Valley2022-05-17T13:39:53-05:00