- Springfield, MN 56087 Brown CountyBedrooms: 1 bedroom units available Bathrooms: 1 Rent:
1 Bedroom: $0 to $715 ** based on 30% of gross income if you qualify for rental assistance
This property does not allow pets
- Springfield, MN 56087 Brown CountyBedrooms: 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units available Bathrooms: 1 Rent:
1 Bedroom: $0 to $861
2 Bedroom: $0 to $941
3 Bedroom: $0 to $1,001
**based on 30% of gross income if you qualify for rental assistanceSecurity Deposit is equal to basic rent
This property does not allow pets
- Springfield, MN 56087 Brown CountyBedrooms: One or Two Bedroom Bathrooms: 1 Rent:
One bedroom $690.00 per month (includes 1 stall garage)
Two bedroom $750.00 per month (includes 1 stall garage)Deposit is base rent and due upon approved application.
This property does not allow pets
ApartmentsLime Valley2022-05-17T13:39:53-05:00